Digi Consult
ESI Registration

State Employees Insurance( ESI) is administered and regulated by the State Employees Insurance Agency, which is an independent body under the Ministry of Labor and Employment of the Government of India. The ESI program was initiated for Indian workers which provided financial, medical and other benefits from the employer to the workers.

Currently any factor or profession or company employing further than 10 workers with a minimal payment of Rs 21,000 must register with ESIC.

ESI Registration
Who Is Eligible To Obtain ESI Registration In India?

To be eligible for ESI registration, you must have further than 10 workers. In some areas, registration with ESI is only possible for a company if there are further than 20 workers. Then are some other criteria that must be met to obtain ESI registration.

Documents Required

The following documents must be submitted by the employer along with the application to obtain ESI registration in India: